Sacred Geometry - an overview

Sacred Geometry

Sacred geometry, an ancient and universal language, weaves through the fabric of the cosmos, connecting the seen and the unseen. Rooted in the belief that certain geometric forms hold profound spiritual significance, sacred geometry has been a cornerstone of various cultures and civilizations throughout history. What we see as shapes and patterns is not merely a mystical concept but a practical tool that finds applications in art, architecture, and spiritual practices. Following are the different aspects of sacred geometry with a particular focus on its practical implications and best practices.

Basic shapes

At its core, sacred geometry embodies the idea that specific geometric shapes and proportions carry inherent spiritual meaning and resonance. The most fundamental of these shapes include the circle, square, triangle:

Basic Shapes

The circle, a symbol of unity and infinity, represents the cyclical nature of life, while the square embodies stability and foundation. Triangles, often associated with balance and harmony, play a crucial role in many sacred geometric configurations. The vesica piscis, formed by the overlapping of two circles, signifies the intersection of opposites and the emergence of a third, harmonious entity.


Practically, sacred geometry serves as a blueprint for harmonious design in various fields. In architecture, ancient civilizations integrated sacred geometric principles into the construction of temples, cathedrals, and other sacred spaces.

Image of a gothic vaulted ceiling to illustrate Sacred Architecture

The Great Pyramid of Giza, for instance, is a testament to the precision and intentionality of sacred geometry in architectural design. By aligning structures with cosmic proportions and harmonizing them with the natural environment, architects sought to create spaces that resonated with spiritual energy and balance.


In art, sacred geometry provides a framework for creating aesthetically pleasing and spiritually charged compositions. Mandalas, intricate geometric patterns often used in meditation, draw on the principles of sacred geometry to evoke a sense of unity and centeredness


Artists from various traditions have incorporated these geometric forms into their works, recognizing their ability to communicate deeper spiritual truths and inspire contemplation.

The Golden Ratio

Also known as the Divine Proportion or Phi (after the greek letter "Φ"), this mathematical constant, approximately equal to 1.618, has captivated the minds of artists, architects, and philosophers for centuries.

At its essence, the Golden Ratio is a mathematical relationship that arises when the ratio of two quantities is the same as the ratio of their sum to the larger of the two quantities. In simpler terms, if you divide a line into two parts in such a way that the ratio of the whole line to the longer segment is the same as the ratio of the longer segment to the shorter segment, you have created a division in the Golden Ratio.

The golden ratio is everywhere around us. From the spirals of seashells to the arrangement of leaves on a stem, from the curve of a breaking wave to the proportions of the human face.

Image of a seahell to illustrate the Golden Ratio


Within the realm of spirituality, sacred geometry is not merely an abstract concept but a powerful tool for meditation, visualization, and energy work. The Flower of Life, a complex geometric pattern composed of evenly-spaced, overlapping circles, is a common motif in spiritual practices. Meditating upon or visualizing the Flower of Life is believed to activate higher states of consciousness and connect individuals with the universal energy grid.

Energy Grid

Best practices

Best practices in the application of sacred geometry involve a mindful and intentional approach. Whether designing a building, creating art, or engaging in spiritual practices, it is essential to align with the inherent principles and meanings associated with specific geometric forms. Attention to proportion, symmetry, and the energetic qualities attributed to each shape ensures that the intended resonance is achieved.

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